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  • 21.09 - 28.09.24 (7 nights)
  • Type C-7 (trilo 7)
  • 455 €/apartment
  • Book

Maria Pia e Delfino

Type: Apartment ***
Rooms: 6 7
Beach: 150 m
Region: Veneto
North Adriatic Venetian riviera
Town: Bibione Lido del Sole

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  • Adults


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  • Summer at the sea
  • sandy beach
  • beach service
  • parking
  • dog allowed
  • terrace / balcony
  • air conditioning
  • microwave oven
  • safe
  • TV
  • suitable for families with kids
Maria Pia e Delfino Bibione. Maria Pia e Delfino is located in Bibione, in Lido del Sole, approximately 150 metres from the sandy beach. The buildings have parking spaces. The apartments are equipped with a safe, TV, coffee machine and microwave and have a balcony.
From mid-May to mid-September, the price also includes beach service for each apartment.

From May 14 to June 18, you may select another day of week as your check-in/check-out date (for at least 7 nights); from the start of the season till May 14 and from September 3 till the end of season, shorter stays are available (at least 5 nights) with arbitrary check-in/departure dates.

Stay with the small dog is allowed for the fee 40€, payable on the spot.

Room types, price lists, discounts, availability

On offer Type C-6 (max. occupancy: 6), Type C-7 (max. occupancy: 7)

Please choose a room type to see the details:

Room type

Maria Pia e Delfino Type C-6 (trilo) Type C-6 (trilo): living room with kitchenette and a sofa for two persons, 2x room with two beds, bathroom, balcony
  • Price includes:

    Air-conditioning, Energy consumption, Final cleaning, Parking place, Rent

  • Mandatory fees:

    Caution 100€/A, Local tax

  • Optional fees:

    Bed linen 11€/P, Towels 10€/P

Please select the specific date to obtain the price calculation.

Show calendar and price list


Poloha apartmánu od pláže výborná, lokalita kľudnejšia. Cena zodpovedala veľkosti a zariadeniu apartmánu.

L***** B. Bratislava
  • Position:
    Blízko k pláži, ako je uvedené. Ďalej od centra mesta, asi 25 min. peši popri pláži.
  • Staff:
    V talianskej agentúre boli ochotní a milí.
  • facilities of accommodation (hotel, residence):
    Apartmánový dom (Maria Pia) novo zrekonštruovaný, okrem výťahu.
  • facilities of apartment:
    Samotný byt bol tiež po cca 3 ročnej rekonštrukcii (okrem kúpeľne). Základné kuchynské potreby. Chýbal sprchový kút, bola len sprcha s odtokom. Apartmán veľký 3-izbový. Rozkladací sušiak na balkóne. Postele neboli poschodové, čo sme privítali.
  • Beach:
    Celá pláž nefajčiarska, čo sme ako nefajčiari ocenili. Chýbali nám však smetné nádoby vpredu na pláži (prvé rady slnečníkov), tie boli umiestnené len pri vstupe na pláž od ulice. V porovnaní s plážou v Lignane - Sabbiadoro tu bolo menej kabínok na prezliekanie, aj sociálne zariadenia boli v menšom počte a na nižšej úrovní.
  • Sport and entertainment:
    Priamo na pláži bola požičovňa šľapacích lodiek so šmykľavkou. Ostatné atrakcie (ufo, banán, parasliding a pod.) vzdialené asi 1,5 km. More pozvoľné, vhodné pre deti e neplavcov. Hneď pri apartmáne požičovňa bicyklov.
  • Board:
    Strava vlastná, hneď pod apartmánom pizeria, v okolí do 30 m veľa reštaurácií

Trips and Relevant Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of accommodation and rooms does it offer Maria Pia e Delfino?

Maria Pia e Delfino in Italy, region Veneto, destination Bibione Lido del Sole accommodation offer type apartment.
These room types are available for clients:
  • Type C-6 / trilo (max. number of people: 6)
  • Type C-7 / trilo (max. number of people: 7)

What is the equipment?

Maria Pia e Delfino offer:
  • Summer at the sea
  • sandy beach
  • beach service
  • parking
  • dog allowed
  • terrace / balcony
  • air conditioning
  • microwave oven
  • safe
  • TV
  • suitable for families with kids

What is the distance from the beach?

Maria Pia e Delfino is located 150 [m] from beaches.

Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average

Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average 4 number stars out of 5. Number of ratings 1 .

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