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    3 000 m

Appartamenti Dei Pini

Type: Apartment **
Rooms: 3 4 6
Beach: 280 m
Region: Veneto
North Adriatic Venetian riviera
Town: Bibione Spiaggia

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  • Adults


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  • Summer at the sea
  • beach service
  • sandy beach
  • parking
  • dog allowed
  • terrace / balcony
  • air conditioning
  • microwave oven
  • safe
  • TV
  • small garden
Appartamenti Dei Pini Bibione. Appartamenti dei Pini is a renovated residence on two floors without elevator, surrounded by a garden, located about 50 m from the center of Bibione Spiaggia and about 280 m from the sandy beach. Guests have access to indoor and outdoor parking space (except for type B3 and C1-4).
The apartments have a safe, microwave, TV, coffee machine and air conditioning

Small dogs are allowed (must be requested in advance).

From May 14 to June 18, you may select another day of week as your check-in/check-out date (for at least 7 nights); from the start of the season till May 14 and from September 3 till the end of season, shorter stays are available (at least 5 nights) with arbitrary check-in/departure dates.

Stay with the small dog is allowed for the fee 40€, payable on the spot.

Room types, price lists, discounts, availability

On offer Type B-3 (max. occupancy: 3), Type C-4 (max. occupancy: 4), Type C1-4 (max. occupancy: 4), Type D-6 (max. occupancy: 6)

Please choose a room type to see the details:

Room type

Type B-3 (bilo): living room , kitchenette, room with double bed and one bed, bathroom. Without parking space.
  • Price includes:

    Air-conditioning, Beach service, Energy consumption, Final cleaning, Rent

  • Mandatory fees:

    Caution 100€/A, local tax/week

  • Optional fees:

    Bed linen 11€/P, Towels 10€/P

Please select the specific date to obtain the price calculation.

Show calendar and price list


Boli sme ubytovaní na prízemí o čom sme nevedeli, a najskôr nás to zaskočilo. V agentúre v Bibione nám vysvetlili, že nás presunúť nemôžu lebo izby na poschodí sú pre väčší počet ľudí (boli sme 4ja), takže bolo dopredu jasné, že budeme ubytovaní na prízemí, o čom keby sme vedeli, toto ubytovanie by sme nevybrali. V popise ubytovania by to malo byť napísané, ak je to dopredu jasné. Podľa fotografií to vyzeralo, že majú apartmány veľké balkóny kde budeme môcť po večeroch sedieť, čo však nebola pravda, tie veľké balkóny sú spoločná chodbička na poschodí.

Nakoniec sme však boli spokojní, mali sme aj psa a pred našim apartmánom bol výbeh s trávnatou plochou, takže nám to vyhovovalo.

Dominika Déčiová Bratislava
  • Position:
    Do 300m, naozaj veľmi blízko pláže priamo od apartmánu.
  • facilities of accommodation (hotel, residence):
    Apartmány sú zrekonštruované a na Taliansko je ubytovanie moderne a pekne zariadené.
  • facilities of apartment:
    Všetko, čo človek potrebuje v apartmáne nájde. Dokonca tu bola aj žehlička.
  • Beach:
    Pekná piesková pláž.
  • Sport and entertainment:
    Dostatok atrakcií.
  • Board:
    Varili sme si sami

Trips and Relevant Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of accommodation and rooms does it offer Appartamenti Dei Pini?

Appartamenti Dei Pini in Italy, region Veneto, destination Bibione Spiaggia accommodation offer type apartment.
These room types are available for clients:
  • Type B-3 / bilo (max. number of people: 3)
  • Type C-4 / trilo (max. number of people: 4)
  • Type C1-4 / trilo (max. number of people: 4)
  • Type D-6 / quadri (max. number of people: 6)

What is the equipment?

Appartamenti Dei Pini offer:
  • Summer at the sea
  • beach service
  • sandy beach
  • parking
  • dog allowed
  • terrace / balcony
  • air conditioning
  • microwave oven
  • safe
  • TV
  • small garden

What is the distance from the beach?

Appartamenti Dei Pini is located 280 [m] from beaches.

Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average

Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average 5 number stars out of 5. Number of ratings 1 .

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