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Val di Sole

Val di Sole, Italian Alps, is one of the largest ski areas in the Italian Dolomites. It is located to the west of Bolzano on boundary of Trentino and Lombardy, on the ski slopes the impressive mountain groups Adamello - Dolomiti di Brenta 900 metres - 3015 metres above sea level.
The ski are Val di Sole (Sun Valley) consists resorts Madonna di Campiglio, Ponte di Legno, Passo Tonale, Marilleva / Folgarida, Pinzolo, Pejo, Monte Bonde. For advanced skiers we recommend buying combined types of ski passes for more areas. Some of these centers are interconnected by a system of cable cars and ski lifts and also one universal ski pass Superskirama Adamello-Brenta. Skiing is possible on more than 320 kilometers of well-tended ski trails of all levels. The part of the Val di Sole is a glacier Presena that by his elevation allows skiing for all year long.




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Guide of Italy / Skiing / Val di Sole

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Canazei is strategically located as it is a very good base for trips to the Dolomites. Its altitude is 1460 m.n.m. It is known both in winter and...

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