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San Martino di Castrozza

Ski resort San Martino di Castrozza is smaller and less well-known resort suitable for spending a relaxing and peaceful holiday. This area offers the most spectacular scenery of the Dolomites and excellent snow conditions.

San Martino di Castrozza is famous and popular resort Dolomites Superski. There are approximately 60 km of ski slopes of all skill levels. Near the resorts there are many restaurants, shops, discos and an indoor swimming pool. San Martino di Castrozza is famous tourism resort since the 19th century. In summer the area is suitable for sports or recreational activities. The resort is an ideal place for the lovers of alpinism and mountain excursions.

In this area there are located 17 km of blue, 34 km of red and 9 km of black ski slopes.



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