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    3 000 m

Hotel Majestic

Type: Hotel ****
Rooms: 1 2 2+2
Beach: 0 m
Region: Veneto
North Adriatic
Town: Jesolo Lido di Jesolo - centro

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  • Adults


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  • Summer at the sea
  • beach service
  • sandy beach
  • breakfast
  • half board
  • swimming pool
  • parking
  • lift
  • dog allowed
  • terrace / balcony
  • air conditioning
  • TV
  • directly at the beach
  • wi-fi
  • sea view
Hotel Majestic Jesolo. Hotel Majestic is right on the sandy beach in Lido di Jesolo, just a few steps from the pedestrian area. It offers a 24/7 reception, restaurant and bar, ping pong, free parking and a swimming pool with sun terrace.
The rooms are comfortably furnished, all with private bathroom with hairdryer, Sat TV, minibar, safe and air conditioning, have a balcony with sea view (side or direct) and free wifi. From approximately May to September, the price also includes beach service.
Possibility of staying with a small dog for a fee, to be requested when booking.
Meals: breakfast (BB) or half board (HB, breakfast and dinner).

Room types, price lists, discounts, availability

On offer Singola + BB (max. occupancy: 1), Singola + HB (max. occupancy: 1), Classic SSV + BB (max. occupancy: 2), Classic SSV + HB (max. occupancy: 2), Frontemare + BB (max. occupancy: 2), Frontemare + HB (max. occupancy: 2)

Please choose a room type to see the details:

Room type

Singola + BB (single): single room and bathroom.
  • Price includes:

    Bed linen, Breakfast, Towels

  • Mandatory fees:

    local tax

  • Optional fees:

Please select the specific date to obtain the price calculation.

Show calendar and price list


Hotel v dobrej lokalite, vhodné pre pár aj rodiny s deťmi, psy povolené.
Okrem nedostatku v kúpeľni a sklamaní za extra poplatok za balkón s výhľadom bol pobyt v celku dobrý.
Opätovne by som si tento hotel už nevybrala.

Kristina Klepancova Dunajska Streda
  • Position:
    Hotel sa nachádza blízko centra, obchody a pešia zóna sú hneď na vedľajšej ulici.
  • Staff:
    Personál bol veľmi milý a ochotný
  • facilities of accommodation (hotel, residence):
    Mali sme izbu s balkónom a výhľadom na more. Z výhľadu nebolo nič vidieť, nakoľko pre hotelom sú ihličnaté stromy, plus výdavky - sklamanie Parkovisko pri hoteli sa nedalo využiť, mali k dispozícii iba hostia z talianska a Nemecka (neviem z akého dôvodu). Parkovisko ktoré sme mohli použiť bolo od hotela 5-7 min.pešo.
  • facilities of apartment:
    V kúpeľni chýba vanička pod sprchou. Záves, ktorý bol pripevnený na stenu sa lepil na telo pri sprchovaní- čo bolo veľmi nepraktické. K izbám bol klasický kľúč, čo by nebol problém, ale prívesok ktorý mal asi pol kila a strašne búchal pri otváraní dverí. Dalo sa počuť susedia kedy prichádzajú a odchádzajú.
  • Beach:
    Pláž bola čistá, pri slnečníkoch chýbal trezor.
  • Board:
    Strava veľmi dobrá, každý deň iné menu na výber 3 jedlá. Veľa zeleniny aj ovocia. Raňajky kontinentálne, pestrý výber aj bezlepkové a bezlaktózové jedlá.

Trips and Relevant Information

Frequently Asked Questions

What type of accommodation and rooms does it offer Hotel Majestic?

Hotel Majestic in Italy, region Veneto, destination Jesolo Lido di Jesolo - centro accommodation offer type hotel.
These room types are available for clients:
  • Singola + BB / single (max. number of people: 1)
  • Singola + HB / single (max. number of people: 1)
  • Classic SSV + BB / double (max. number of people: 2)
  • Classic SSV + HB / double (max. number of people: 2)
  • Frontemare + BB / double (max. number of people: 2)
  • Frontemare + HB / double (max. number of people: 2)

What is the equipment?

Hotel Majestic offer:
  • Summer at the sea
  • beach service
  • sandy beach
  • breakfast
  • half board
  • swimming pool
  • parking
  • lift
  • dog allowed
  • terrace / balcony
  • air conditioning
  • TV
  • directly at the beach
  • wi-fi
  • sea view

What is the distance from the beach?

Hotel Majestic is located 0 [m] from beaches.

Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average

Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average 5 number stars out of 5. Number of ratings 1 .

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