Villa Ortensia Bibione.
The family semi-detached Villa Ortensia with private garden is located in a quiet area of Bibione - Lido del Sole, 350 metres from the sandy beach. Clients have a parking space in the fenced garden and an outdoor fireplace. Smaller pets (up to 10 kg) are allowed for a fee of 40 €/week (on request upon booking).
For a group of young people the deposit is 300 EUR/apartment.
two-storey apartment - living room with double sofa bed and kitchenette, two double bedrooms and a room with bunk bed, air conditioning, safe, TV Sat, bathroom, balcony and garden.
Veľmi pekné letovisko, veľa možností pre aktívny aj pasívny oddych. Ak porovnám Bibione s Chorvátskom, asi už do Chorvátska nepôjdem. V Bibione sú krásne široké pláže, miesto si človek nájde aj tesne pred obedom, voda je teplá ako vo vani a hlavne deti môžu behať vo vode bez toho, aby dávali pozor na morských ježkov a kamene.
Veľmi dobrá. Blízko je obchod, reštaurácie, pláž asi 5 minút pešo, centrum a lunapark asi 20 min. pešo.
Ústretový a prívetivý.
facilities of accommodation (hotel, residence):
Iba jedna sprcha pre 8 ľudí je málo. Pakovanie priamo pri penzióne pod stromami v tieni.
facilities of apartment:
Jednoduchšie ale účelné.
Čistá, vstup do mora je mierny, veľmi vhodný pre deti a neplavcov.
Sport and entertainment:
Cyklochodník po celej dĺžke pláže, hriská na plážový volejbal ...
What type of accommodation and rooms does it offer Villa Ortensia?
Villa Ortensia in Italy, region Veneto, destination Bibione Lido del Sole accommodation offer type apartment.
These room types are available for clients:
Type D / quadri (max. number of people: 8)
What is the equipment?
Villa Ortensia offer:
Summer at the sea
sandy beach
dog allowed
air conditioning
terrace / balcony
outdoor fireplace
small garden
villa / semi-detached
apartment with garden
larger villa / terraced house
suitable for families with kids
What is the distance from the beach?
Villa Ortensia is located 350 [m] from beaches.
Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average
Clients who visited this accommodation rated it on average 5 number stars out of 5. Number of ratings 2