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Sicily is an Italian autonomous region  and the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. In the east it is separated from Calabria by Strait of Messina. The captal city of this region is Palermo. Sicily is also one of the most seismically active areas in the whole Europe. One of the most well known laces in Sicily is the Etna volcano. There are also other volcanos, today inactive, forming the Lipari islands. One of these islands is the small Stromboli, which is located in Tyrrhenian Sea and which is based on a still  active volcano of the same name.

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Selected offers in the destination Sicily - summer at the sea

Holidays Sicily - summer at the sea, choose from our offer of stays

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Guide of Italy / Summer at the sea / Sicily

Discover Brancaleone

Brancaleone is a rather small seaside resort ocated in the south of Italy - in Calabria. Its crystal clear sea and the not too big beaches attract...

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