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Rimini - a city with a lively nightlife


Rimini, a popular destination on the Adriatic coast in the Emilia-Romagna region, is a city full of history, beautiful beaches and colourful nightlife. A city that offers visitors an unforgettable experience.

rimini is easily accessible by road, rail and air.

Historical monuments in Rimini

Rimini was founded by the Romans in 268 BC under the name of Ariminum and quickly became an important commercial and cultural centre. Today we can admire many monuments from this period that testify to its glorious past.

Rimini Ponte di Tiberio

Rimini Ponte di Tiberio

Arco di Augusto (Arch of Augustus) - This imposing arch is the oldest surviving Roman arch and was built in 27 BC in honour of the Emperor Augustus.

Ponte di Tiberio (Tiberius Bridge ) - completed in AD 21, the bridge is still in use today and is one of the finest examples of Roman engineering skill

Tempio Malatestiano - Renaissance church designed by Leon Battista Alberti

Sandy beaches and lots of fun

Rimini is famous for its long sandy beaches, which attract visitors from all over the world. Numerous beach resorts line the coast and offer a myriad of activities for all ages, such as windsurfing, beach volleyball and more.

Rimini also offers beautiful promenades where you can stroll, cycle or just enjoy the sea views.

One of the busiest beaches is Marina Centro. If you're looking for something quieter, choose Rivabella or Torre Pedrera. Rivabella is a quieter part of the beach that is ideal for families with children. The beach is well protected and has a gradual entrance to the sea.

In Rimini you'll also find BoaBay - a huge floating park made up of inflatable obstacles, slides, trampolines and climbing frames. The park is built in the shape of a giant "Rimini" sign, making it visible and recognisable from the beach.

Rimini pláž

Nightlife and entertainment

Rimini is famous for its lively nightlife. The town is full of bars, clubs and restaurants that offer entertainment until the early hours of the morning.

Rimini also hosts many cultural events and festivals, such as the Rimini Film Festival and Notte Rosa (Pink Night), a large summer festival full of music, performances and fireworks.

Rimini noční život

The Rimini Beach Arena, a popular venue for summer concerts and dance performances, is also right on the beach. It is famous for hosting large music events, concerts and festivals, especially during the summer months when it attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world.


A short walk from the Frederico Fellini Park, you'll find La Ruota Panoramatica, a scenic observation wheel set on the beach on a small peninsula that offers panoramic views of the sea, the harbour and the city.

Gastronomic delights

Rimini's cuisine is part of the wider tradition of the Emilia-Romagna region, which is renowned for its tasty and hearty dishes.the town is full of cosy restaurants and trattorias where you can enjoy authentic Italian dishes made with fresh ingredients.

We recommend trying local specialities such as piadina (a type of flat bread), fresh seafood and pasta dishes such as tagliatelle al ragù.

Surroundings and tips for excursions

The region around Rimini offers many interesting places to visit. For example, the nearby Republic of San Marino, a small independent country, or towns like Riccione and Cattolica, which are famous for their beaches and resorts.


When you get tired of lounging on the beach or the weather isn't quite right, you can also visit the Frasassi Caves, which are a real natural spectacle. They are about an hour and a half by car from Rimini.


Rimini is a city that combines historical charm, natural beauty and modern convenience. Whether you're looking for relaxation on the beach, cultural experiences or a vibrant nightlife, Rimini offers something for everyone. Discover this Adriatic gem for yourself!

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