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Nuraga Mereu

The Nuragha, the mysterious stone towers scattered across Sardinia, are one of Europe's greatest archaeological mysteries. These monumental structures, which date back to the Bronze Age, were built by the Nuragic civilisation and still fascinate archaeologists and visitors today with their obscure function and mystical appearance.

What are the Nuragha?

Nuraghs are circular towers made of huge stone blocks that were built without the use of mortar. More than 7,000 of them can be found in Sardinia and they are considered to be some of the oldest and most imposing structures in all of Europe. Their diameter is usually between 10 and 20 metres, although some of them reach more than 20 metres in height. They are believed to have been built between 1800-500 BC, during the Bronze Age and the early Iron Age.

Nuraga Santu Antine

There are more than 7,000 nuraghs in Sardinia

the purpose of these towers remains a mystery. Some experts believe that they served as fortresses to defend against enemies, while others consider them to be living quarters or sanctuaries. Some of the larger nuraghs were part of complexes that contained other structures in addition to the main tower, suggesting that they may have had social or ceremonial significance. Each nuragh has a spiral staircase inside that led to higher levels, indicating that people often moved between levels.

Nuraga Santa Cristina

the purpose of the nuraghs remains a mystery

Su Nuraxi - the heart of the Nuragic culture

The most famous and best preserved nuragh is Su Nuraxi near the village of Barumini, which has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Su Nuraxi is a complex structure consisting of several towers connected by stone corridors and walls. This archaeological marvel shows the high level of building skills of the Sardinian inhabitants of the time.

Su Nuraxi

su nuraxi, sardinia

Nuragic culture - a mysterious civilisation

The Nuragic civilisation that built these towers remains largely mysterious. These people had no writing, so their culture and customs are only known from archaeological finds. Many objects found near the Nuragha, such as pottery, bronze statuettes and tools, indicate that this civilization had a well-organized society and a rich material culture. Judging by the weapons discovered at the nuraghs, it is believed that they were also skilled warriors.

Myths and legends about the Nuragha

A number of local myths and legends are associated with the nuraghs. The local people often consider them to be the work of giants or magical beings. Some legends claim that the nuraghs were built to protect hidden treasures, while others associate them with ancient rituals and ceremonies. This mystical dimension only adds to the appeal of these ancient structures.

The Tombs of the Giants - another mysterious element of the Nuragic civilisation

Another fascinating aspect of the Nuragic culture is the so-called Tombs of the Giants (Tombe dei Giganti), which can be found all over the island. These giant tombs, built of massive stone slabs, served as burial places for many people at once. Some tombs are more than 30 metres long, leading locals to believe they were built for real giants.

Tombe dei Giganti

Visit the nuraghs

If you decide to visit Sardinia, be sure to include a visit to the nuraghs in your itinerary. Sardinia offers not only beautiful beaches and luxurious coastlines, but also a deep connection to the ancient past that will draw you into the mysterious world of the nuraghs and their creators.

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