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In the midst of the magical landscape of Tuscany, near the city of Florence, lies an impressive work of art that amazes with its size, mythological significance and technical workmanship. The Colossus of the Apennines.

The Colossus of the Apennines (Il Colosso dell'Appennino) is a monumental sculpture that rises above the water in the Villa di Pratolino, now known as the Parco Mediceo di Pratolino, about 12 km north of the centre of Florence, in the Vaglia region of Tuscany. This park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and houses one of the most impressive works of Renaissance sculpture.


The Colossus was commissioned in 1580 by the Grand Duke Francesco I de' Medici, a lover of art, science and mysticism. It was created by Giambologna, a Flemish sculptor who became famous throughout Europe. The colossus was meant to be a symbol of man's connection with nature and a celebration of the power of the Medici family.


The statue, over 11 metres high, depicts the mythical figure of a giant who symbolises the Apennine Mountains, the backbone of Italy. It is sculpted in stone and complemented with terracotta details that add liveliness to its appearance. The colossus acts as a guardian of nature, protecting the surrounding forests and water sources.

Kolos z Apenin

The Colossus of the Apennines

In addition to its imposing exterior, the statue hides a fascinating inner world. It is hollow and contains several rooms. Hidden inside are, for example, stone caves, fountains and even a fireplace that once gave the impression that smoke was coming out of the giant. The head of the Colossus hides a space from which to observe the surrounding landscape, and its body is connected to the hydraulic system that powered the fountains in the park.


The Colossus of the Apennines is not only a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture, but also an allegory of the union of nature and human genius. Its massive body combines the power of mountains, water and stone with fine human skill and aesthetic sensitivity.


The Pratolino Park is now open to the public and the Colossus is one of its main attractions. You can see the sculpture up close, admiring its details. The statue itself has survived the centuries, although it has suffered from the ravages of time and the elements. However, restoration work has preserved it in all its monumental beauty.


If you ever visit Tuscany, don't miss this unique statue that will transport you to a world of renaissance and mysticism. The Colossus will captivate you with its sight and presence - just as it captivated its creators hundreds of years ago.


The park is open to the public, but opening hours vary depending on the season. We recommend checking the current information before visiting. The colossus is located near the pond in the middle of the park and is one of the main attractions of the place.