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Rating of the resort

Bassano del Grappa

Bassano del Grappa, a town with a charming atmosphere that has retained its village soul. The smell of fresh bread and local grappa wafts through the streets of the centre.

Ponte degli Alpini

The symbol of this town is undoubtedly the legendary Ponte degli Alpini, which is definitely one of the places to visit in the town. The bridge was built entirely out of wood and offers beautiful views all year round. If you stand in the middle of the bridge and look to the north, you will see a panorama of the Valsugana valley, which connects Bassano Del Grappa with the city of Trento, which is about 90 kilometres away.

La grappa da Nardini

The legendary grapperie is located at the end of the Ponte degli Alpini bridge. It is the historic seat of the Nardini company. Grapperia Nardini is one of Italy's oldest distilleries.

You can't leave until you've tasted Nardini's "mezzo e mezzo" (half and half). It's an old cocktail that consists of 1/2 Rebarboro (a liqueur from the Nardini distillery) and 1/2 soda and lemon.

address: Ponte Vecchio, 2, 36061 Bassano del Grappa VI
opening hours:
Monday - Thursday: 8:30 - 21:30
Thursday - Sunday: 8:30 - 22:30

Spiaggetta di Angarano

A few steps from the bridge, a trail of about ten kilometres around the river begins. Just a few metres and you will reach the area that the people of Bassano call "le cascatelle" or "spiaggetta di Angarano". It's the perfect place to relax in the shade and cool off in the river.

Address: Via G. Volpato, 36061 Bassano del Grappa VI

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