Suites Sardinia Italy
In the locality Sardinia we offer a total of 56 Accommodation Options:
Hotel (45),
apartment (3),
Camp (8)
Residence I Mirti Bianchi ***
Sardinia Santa Teresa Gallura
Bilo 4 / double / 2
14.06 - 17.06.2025 800 m
Price includes: Air-conditioning, Bed linen, Energy consumption, Rent
DetailsPerson / 3 Nights269 €
Spiagge San Pietro, a charming & relaxing resort ****
Sardinia Castiadas
Superior Double Room + BB / double / 2
14.06 - 17.06.2025 200 m
Price includes: Bed linen, Breakfast, Towels
Detailsapartment / 3 Nights1 008 €