Hotels Lignano Sabbiadoro Sabbiadoro Italy
In the locality Lignano Sabbiadoro Sabbiadoro we offer a total of 134 Accommodation Options:
Hotel (12),
apartment (121),
Camp (1)
Hotel Romantik ***
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Lignano Sabbiadoro Sabbiadoro
R4 + BB / double / 2+2
14.06 - 17.06.2025 300 m
Price includes: Air-conditioning, Beach service, Bed linen, Breakfast, Towels, wi-fi
DetailsPerson / 3 Nights194 €
228 € - 15%
Hotel Villa Franca ***
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Lignano Sabbiadoro Sabbiadoro
DBL + BB / double / 2
14.06 - 17.06.2025 10 m
Price includes: Air-conditioning, Bed linen, Breakfast, Towels
Detailsapartment / 3 Nights468 €
Beach service free of charge Right by the beach Very popular
Hotel American ****
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Lignano Sabbiadoro Sabbiadoro
Family + BB / double / 2+2
14.06 - 16.06.2025 10 m
Price includes: Air-conditioning, Beach service, Bed linen, Breakfast, Parking place, Towels, wi-fi
DetailsPerson / 2 Nights176 €