Holiday Capaccio Paestum Italy
In the locality Capaccio Paestum we offer a total of 2 Accommodation Options:
apartment (1),
Camp (1)
Camping Village Paestum ****
Campania Capaccio Paestum Paestum
MH Happy Easy / trilo / 4+2
14.06 - 17.06.2025 500 m
Price includes: Energy consumption, Parking place, Rent
Detailsapartment / 3 Nights153 €
180 € - 15%
Villaggio Cerullo ***
Campania Capaccio Paestum Paestum
Trilo 4 / trilo / 4
14.06 - 21.06.2025 50 m
Price includes: Beach service, Energy consumption, Parking place, Rent
Detailsapartment / 7 nights539 €